Though 2010 was a tough one for many people I know, at least we survived. And with every loss comes a gain, like you know how whenever a door shuts on you, a window opens, only it's raining and the open window is on the second floor.
But as an eternal realist, I have to say: Half full, half empty, someone's gotta wash that glass.So get out your rubber gloves and dish soap, because Bend Over Here It Comes Again.So here are some suggestions for that 2010 Theme Party. Come dressed as any of the following:
1. Chilean Miners and Platform Survivors: Better than any reality show.Do bring your survival suit, ipod, a big middle finger for BP, and a hug for El Presidente. Why don't they let him run BP? Just sayin.
2. The Giants Win the Pennant! The Giants Win the Pennant! All you Dodgers fans, don't forget your child-of-divorce-black plastic bag with your away uniform inside for when you have to shuttle between Mommy's and Daddy's house. Walter O'Malley is spinning in his crypt. First, Ebbets Field, now this.
3. National Pubic Radio Opera "Das Whinegold". Do bring your Juan Williams NPR mug, Whoopi cushion, shoe to stuff in mouth and plate of crow to eat with Rush, BillO and $arahPac. Make sure your partner dresses in a sensible suit as Helen Thomas a.k.a. "What is she Fricka'n saying?" to complete the Ring cycle of Confusion. Invoke Rick "Loki" Sanchez to help you with your grand exit. See if anyone notices.
4. Your Cheatin' Heart. On lead guitar: Elizabeth Edwards. Back up vocals, Elin Nordegren, Sandra Bullock. Jenny Sanford will encore her performance of "I'm a Man," while Michelle McGee will sing "Lydia the Tattooed Lady" while recieving a hepatitis shot.
5. A Show About Nothing.
Jersey Shore- Lifestyles of the Maimed & Bewildered.
Meet the Kardashians: and wash your hands afterwards..
Miley Cyrus: That's a lovely vuvuzuela technique you have there.You know, those horns. For the World Cu...
Justin Beiber: Hair today, gone tomorrow.
iPad: Either a really small computer or a really big phone you can drop in the toilet
Facebook: Like you don't waste enough time in the bathroom.
And so dear Imaginary Reader, Here's to 2010. *clink* Now drink up and let's get out the good stuff.
And so: Happy New Year! Here's a poem for you. For when your ship comes in. For auld lang syne.
To the Harbormaster
I wanted to be sure to reach you;
though my ship was on the way it got caught
in some moorings. I am always tying up
and then deciding to depart. In storms and
at sunset, with the metallic coils of the tide
around my fathomless arms, I am unable
to understand the forms of my vanity
or I am hard alee with my Polish rudder
in my hand and the sun sinking. To
you I offer my hull and the tattered cordage
of my will. The terrible channels where
the wind drives me against the brown lips
of the reeds are not all behind me. Yet
I trust the sanity of my vessel; and
if it sinks, it may well be in answer
to the reasoning of the eternal voices,
the waves which have kept me from reaching you.
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